
“About Me”
My name is JR and I chose my topic to be about Elton John because he is my all-time favorite singer. I’ve been listening to his music ever since I was 2 years old because he did the music for the 1994 Disney Animated Film, The Lion King, which was my all-time favorite movie as a kid. Also, as I was growing-up, whenever I’d either be in car with one of my parents (especially my mother) or at my house, in general (especially for family events), they would play Elton John’s music. As I was growing up, I was kind of an Elton John fan, but I wasn’t crazy about him.
On the night of October 8, 2005, when I was 13 years old, my family heard Elton John’s song, “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” play on the radio while we were in the car. Even though I heard the song plenty of times before then, it was that moment in which I really had the song stuck in my head.
Three weeks later, I found a CD that had “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” on it and I had to listen to it. It was at that exact moment in which I started to become the Elton John fan that I am today. Then, I found some of the other Elton John CDs in my house and I had to listen to them. Ever since 2006, I had been getting the Elton John CDs that I don’t have.
On March 21, 2007, my parents and I went to go see him in concert. In 2007, I got the book, Elton: The Biography as a Christmas present, but it wasn’t until the summer of 2008 in which I read. As I was reading that book, I learned so much of him that I never knew before. On the second day of my junior year of high school, I did my book report on Elton: The Biography. In the summer of 2012, I went to see an Elton John tribute concert.

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